
This month our team have been talking about the implications of Impacting Reporting for charity finance as well as amendments to FRS 102! And

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Long-gone are the days when charity shops were viewed as the second-class citizens of the high street, the place where those who had fallen

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This month our team have been talking about payday bonuses for the creative industries as well as shining the Spotlight on fundraising practices! And

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At the end of March 2024, the FRC issued amendments to FRS 102, The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of

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The Government recently announced its intention to introduce legislation this summer to make changes to the company size thresholds. The aim is to reduce

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The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECCTA) received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. The act amends the Companies Act 2006, introducing new

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When a word or phrase grows in popularity and is used with increased frequency, it becomes easy to assume that we know what we

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Inspiring Financial Leadership Programme  Sayer Vincent is proud to partner with Charity Finance Group and Bayes Business School to offer the Inspiring Financial Leadership

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Extra funding, without any catches and a relatively straightforward eligibility criteria sounds great, right? Perhaps even too good to be true, but it does

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Visit any high street the length and breadth of the UK and there’s a good chance you’ll encounter a charity fundraiser. Did you know,

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“Audit” a word that sends shivers down many a finance professional’s back. For some, it’s a necessary evil. For others, an arduous slog that

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Four years on from the Covid-driven advice to ‘work from home’ if possible, it’s fair to say that its impact has been far greater

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Working in finance comes with the need to prepare a set of annual accounts.  It is, no doubt, part of your job description.  The

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As we wave goodbye to January, I wonder how many resolutions have been abandoned? Well-meaning commitments to make a 180 about-turn and improve x,

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As is traditional at the start of a new year, we’ve given some thought to what lies ahead and the likely impact it may

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The dawn of a new year is a perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and look forward to the year ahead. A

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The Charity Accountants’ two day online annual conference is back, supporting attendees to lead, impact and inspire! This year’s conference programme includes inspiring and

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Changes to defined benefit pension scheme assumptions over 2022 have resulted in a trend towards schemes showing significantly reduced liabilities and in many cases

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