Internal audit and risk

Long-gone are the days when charity shops were viewed as the second-class citizens of the high street, the place where those who had fallen

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As we wave goodbye to January, I wonder how many resolutions have been abandoned? Well-meaning commitments to make a 180 about-turn and improve x,

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Fraud is a very real risk but something that tends not to be discussed enough in charities despite figures showing it’s on the rise.

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This webinar will consider how internal audit can help your organisation and how to introduce it. The webinar will last for approximately 1 hour

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Your organisation is exposed to fraud risk. But do you know where you are most vulnerable? Do you know how you might become aware

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How can you take your risk management beyond the register?… Good risk management isn’t about having the best risk register its about the discussion

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How can reserves policies better reflect a charity’s financial risks?The pandemic has made many charities take a hard long look at their reserves policies.

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Charities are more at risk of fraud than ever, we take a look at how you can manage these risks… Practical tips on how

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Advantages of a separate trading subsidiary Can protect the charity from tax liability Clarifies objectives for each part of organisation Limited liability status for

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Charities are more at risk of fraud than ever, we take a look at how you can manage these risks… Practical tips on how

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Vanessa Clark (CIAN) and Jonathan Orchard (Sayer Vincent) 2020 has brought the importance of strong systems of risk and control into focus. Assurance has

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Many charities don’t properly consider the risks their organisations are facing. Perhaps they don’t know where to start, haven’t the time, or don’t think

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This guide provides a step-by-step process for handling a merger or a takeover, explaining the options for different structures. It considers the legal and

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We published this guide to help you with models for collaborative working to deliver services and share back office functions . This guide covers

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This guide is designed for people who may be new to the charity sector or otherwise need to understand charity accounts. Charities have to

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Build on your risk assessment process to involve more people. This guide explains how constructive use of risk management techniques can draw out the

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This guide provides a framework to share a common understanding about risk and a tool for the prioritisation of management decision-making. It will help

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What level of reserves should a charity have? This guide sets out a method for analysing your charity’s financial position and developing a robust

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